Hi, My name is Nancy, and I’m going to be the best Mother in
Law ever.
My daughter got married last September! The day was a blur of fabulosity and fun, but
what I remember most fondly is what her then fiance did.
See the weather was iffy, ok it was actually raining at
certain points, and the wedding was supposed to be outside, in this lovely brick
paved courtyard area. My son, husband,
nephew, niece and her husband stubbornly decorated the area, even though the
hotel strongly encouraged us to move it inside. Team K did a beautiful job bringing my
cock-a-mamey idea to life.
I could go on and on about it all, but I’ll skip to the
important part.
As the rain threatened yet again, and the guests were afraid
of getting damp, a decision had to be made, move it in, or have the ceremony
outside…NOW. The planner asked the
groom, and he calmly said: K wants it
outside. So here it is, beautiful,
I forgot to tell the planner that K is half Irish, that a
little rain is kinda like sunshine to us, and that her nickname was the “Rainbow
Princess” so in fact a little drizzle was to be expected. PSIL understood that none of that was really
necessary to explain, the fact was K wanted it outside, and for her wedding
day, she would have the day she wanted.
Pure and Simple.
I decided anyone who loved my daughter as much as he did
would forever be PSIL: Perfect Son In Law.
Now before you think I’m totally round-the-bend crazy, I
know he is not perfect, and I know he knows that I know that he isn’t
perfect. Two things: He truly cherishes my daughter and her crazy border
collie dog, and he tries his best to be a partner, provider, and dog-parent.
So how do you find out how not to do all the mistakes MILs (Mother
in laws) have been doing for years? The
answer? Mother in law jokes!
Behind every successful man stands a
devoted wife and a surprised mother-in-law.
in a restaurant:
SHE: This wine is described as full bodied and imposing with a nutty base, a sharp bite, and a bitter aftertaste. HE: Are you describing the wine or your mother? |
My mother-in-law was so mean she blinded
herself just to get a free dog.
woman woke her husband in the middle of the night and told him “there is a
burglar downstairs in the kitchen and he is eating the cake that my mother made
for us.”
husband said, “who shall I call, the police or an ambulance?”
“I haven’t spoken to my mother-in-law
for eighteen months. I don’t like to interrupt her.”
have never made a fool of my mother-in-law,
I just leave her to display her natural talents herself.
I just leave her to display her natural talents herself.
My mother-in-law said to me, "If
you were my husband I'd put poison in your coffee" I replied, "If I
were your husband, I'd drink it!!"
is the difference between mother-in-law and a terrorist? You can sometimes make
an agreement with a terrorist.
How many mothers-in-law's does it take
to change a light bulb?
One. She just holds it up there and waits for the world to revolve around her.
One. She just holds it up there and waits for the world to revolve around her.
my favorite, because I’m a gal who loves her accessories:
used to not get along with my mother-in-law, but over the last few months I've
developed quite an attachment for her. It goes over her head and a strap comes
down under her chin to keep her mouth shut.
I’m Tossing butting in, Talking too much (OMG this will be hard), and poisoning coffee :-), being mean, oh and getting too fat.
I’m going to Treasure my PSIL, support the success and happiness of their marriage, let H (Hubby) do most of the cooking when they come over…
And torture PSIL because he won’t be able to participate in Mother-In-Law jokes! HA!
What are you Treasuring and Tossing in this brand new year? I wish you Well!
Oh my goodness, you couldn't be a crazy Mother in Law if you tried. Well... at least this kind of crazy! Haha. And I got a bit teary at the beginning. He's so cute. But you forget... one of the husband stipulations was that he had to get along with my family. Not pretend, actually fit in. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd he DOES! Not sure that's a complement...LOL