Friday, January 25, 2013

There’s just something about Cowboy boots

Just so that you know, I am the furthest thing possible from a cowboy, and I have to confess, I’m a little afraid of horses.  I mean really, why should they listen to me?  What’s to stop the larger more powerful creature from taking me hostage, or scraping me off their back with a handy tree branch just for laughs?   Anyone who has watched Mr. Ed knows they laugh.  And then there are their teeth….feed them a carrot?  And pull back a stump?  No thank you.

Then again, having lived with a Wolfhound for the last few years, and willingly holding his toy so that he can chew it more easily, I may be more comfortable around Horses now.  I will have to find out (add it to the list for this year).

Don’t get me wrong, I think Horses are one of the most beautiful, elegant, amazing creatures on the planet.  And I’m inexplicably drawn to cheesy Cowboy romance novels.  When I get really down, my friend suggests we run away to Montana to live on a ranch.  Not sure if reality would be half as enjoyable as fantasy.  I know from my niece of Tin Roof Stables fame ( there is a lot of work involved, early and often, and hard…and smelly.

But back to cowboy boots: there is just something about them.  There is just some attitude that comes with them.  You can’t walk too fast, you have to do that sexy confident rolling saunter. 

They are the most comfortable things in the universe.  They totally hide that you are wearing mismatched Saturday socks to work.  The heel height is just right, not too high, not too flat; even Goldilocks would be hard pressed to find a fault with them.

Back to me – it IS all about me, correct?  Yesterday was a sucky day, more accurately a medley of disappointment and annoyances, you know the kind.  Nothing overtly awful, nonetheless I was really tempted to curl into a fetal position, find my blankie and my thumb and inform the universe that I was done trying. 

After licking my wounds, punching a few people (with permission), cuddling the aforementioned wolfhound and his sheltie buddy, I felt better this morning.  Not great, but better.

I was getting dressed (most of us wear jeans on Fridays to work), and I thought of my new-to-me boots.  A lovely friend, mother to another lovely friend, gave me two, yes TWO, pairs of real live cowboy boots last weekend.  Yes I am extremely lucky, both for their friendship  - and the boots

This is a different kind of toss:  My friend “released” something she wasn’t using, so that I could have it when I needed it.  I read somewhere (and I can’t find it, sorry), that when we release what no longer serves us, we make it available for someone else who may need it, like a metaphysical recycling program.

I like to think of it as all those wrongs, and hurts, angry feelings and “it’s unfairnesses” that we hold onto, when we finally release them into the universe get cleansed and refashioned, so that someone who is running low on strength, or is tired, or wants to curl up in a fetal position with her thumb and her blankie, can draw on the reserve and get what they need.  This belief makes it easier for me to let go (yes, I still have a lot to let go of, progress not perfection!), and reminds me to be grateful when I get the gift of what I need thanks to someone else’s willingness to let go.

Back to the Boots:  They are Amazing, they are black with red on the toe and heel, with red and white stitching.  I put them on and was transformed into a confident, happy, younger, smarter, sexier form of myself.  And people responded to me as if I were, in fact, all that and a bag of chips (Hi KT!) .

What about Tossing and Treasuring?  

Today I’m treasuring something someone else tossed (well she didn’t really toss them, you know what I mean).  And Cowboy boots in general.

Anyone have a horse I could meet?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Best Mother In Law EVER

Hi, My name is Nancy, and I’m going to be the best Mother in Law ever.

My daughter got married last September!  The day was a blur of fabulosity and fun, but what I remember most fondly is what her then fiance did.

See the weather was iffy, ok it was actually raining at certain points, and the wedding was supposed to be outside, in this lovely brick paved courtyard area.  My son, husband, nephew, niece and her husband stubbornly decorated the area, even though the hotel strongly encouraged us to move it inside.   Team K did a beautiful job bringing my cock-a-mamey idea to life.  

I could go on and on about it all, but I’ll skip to the important part.

As the rain threatened yet again, and the guests were afraid of getting damp, a decision had to be made, move it in, or have the ceremony outside…NOW.   The planner asked the groom, and he calmly said:  K wants it outside.   So here it is, beautiful, right?

I forgot to tell the planner that K is half Irish, that a little rain is kinda like sunshine to us, and that her nickname was the “Rainbow Princess” so in fact a little drizzle was to be expected.  PSIL understood that none of that was really necessary to explain, the fact was K wanted it outside, and for her wedding day, she would have the day she wanted.  Pure and Simple.

I decided anyone who loved my daughter as much as he did would forever be PSIL: Perfect Son In Law.

Now before you think I’m totally round-the-bend crazy, I know he is not perfect, and I know he knows that I know that he isn’t perfect.  Two things:  He truly cherishes my daughter and her crazy border collie dog, and he tries his best to be a partner, provider, and dog-parent.

So how do you find out how not to do all the mistakes MILs (Mother in laws) have been doing for years?  The answer?  Mother in law jokes!

Behind every successful man stands a devoted wife and a surprised mother-in-law.

Overheard in a restaurant:

SHE:  This wine is described as full bodied and imposing with a nutty base, a sharp bite, and a bitter aftertaste.

HE:  Are you describing the wine or your mother?

My mother-in-law was so mean she blinded herself just to get a free dog.

A woman woke her husband in the middle of the night and told him “there is a burglar downstairs in the kitchen and he is eating the cake that my mother made for us.”
The husband said, “who shall I call, the police or an ambulance?”

“I haven’t spoken to my mother-in-law for eighteen months. I don’t like to interrupt her.”

I have never made a fool of my mother-in-law,
I just leave her to display her natural talents herself.

My mother-in-law said to me, "If you were my husband I'd put poison in your coffee" I replied, "If I were your husband, I'd drink it!!"

What is the difference between mother-in-law and a terrorist? You can sometimes make an agreement with a terrorist.

How many mothers-in-law's does it take to change a light bulb?
One. She just holds it up there and waits for the world to revolve around her.

And my favorite, because I’m a gal who loves her accessories:

I used to not get along with my mother-in-law, but over the last few months I've developed quite an attachment for her. It goes over her head and a strap comes down under her chin to keep her mouth shut.

So what am I Treasuring and Tossing my friends?  I know, you thought I forgot all about that.

I’m Tossing butting in, Talking too much (OMG this will be hard), and poisoning coffee :-), being mean, oh and getting too fat.

I’m going to Treasure my PSIL, support the success and happiness of their marriage, let H (Hubby) do most of the cooking when they come over…

And torture PSIL because he won’t be able to participate in Mother-In-Law jokes!  HA!

What are you Treasuring and Tossing in this brand new year?  I wish you Well!